Total estimated global GHG emissions and Scope 1 emissions of listed companies

Tracking climate progress by listed companies

We estimate that direct (Scope 1) emissions of the world’s listed companies represented one-fifth of global emissions in 2023, up about two percentage points from a year earlier. The table below shows total estimated global GHG emissions and Scope 1 emissions (sum for all index constituents without index weighting) for companies in the MSCI ACWI IMI, as of Jan. 31, 2024.

Source: MSCI ESG Research, data as of Jan. 31, 2024

* Global emissions through the end of 2022 are based on annual UN Environment Programme reports. Data for 2023 reflects changes in emissions as reported by Carbon Monitor.

** MSCI ACWI IMI emissions for 2022 as reported by companies or estimated by MSCI, where not reported. Emissions for 2023 are estimated from changes in emissions as reported by Carbon Monitor.